Our Mission
The mission of Kingdom Empowerment Christian Church is simply stated: To bring people closer to God so that they experience His Love, closely connect and deepen their relationship with God.
Our Vision
To produce an atmosphere to experience and be transformed in the presence of God through practical foundational biblical teaching (discipleship) and worship, in a loving environment that is dedicated to exceptional care and service, in every service, outreach program, event or need, for the benefit of others locally and globally. Our aim is to have people Learn, Live and Lead Other to Jesus Christ.
1.JESUS IS OUR MESSAGEThe purpose of Kingdom Empowerment is to share the message of Jesus Christ so that we can Learn, Live, Lead others to Jesus. Methods will come and go but the message and intent will remain the same
2. PEOPLE ARE OUR PASSION Our heart is for ALL people. All people are loved by Jesus and we make no apologies for being specifically focused on reaching those that are far away from God. Our constant aim is to reconnect people back to Jesus unyielding love
3. EXCELLENCE IS OUR SPIRIT We are always going to do our best with what we have. If we are doing anything, it will always be to the best of our ability. We will take no shortcuts when it comes to being excellent in every avenue we approach
4. GENEROSITY IS OUR GOAL Generosity is more than what is required. We’re generous with our time, talents, treasures, honoring God and serving our communities and partners as God has richly given towards us.
5. SERVANT LEADERSHIP IS OUR PURSUIT If you are too big to serve then you are too small to lead. We believe the greatest leadership is in service to others. Every leader is servant first. From the parking lot to the pulpit, everyone serves. Every role is different but every role is important.
1.JESUS IS OUR MESSAGEThe purpose of Kingdom Empowerment is to share the message of Jesus Christ so that we can Learn, Live, Lead others to Jesus. Methods will come and go but the message and intent will remain the same
2. PEOPLE ARE OUR PASSION Our heart is for ALL people. All people are loved by Jesus and we make no apologies for being specifically focused on reaching those that are far away from God. Our constant aim is to reconnect people back to Jesus unyielding love
3. EXCELLENCE IS OUR SPIRIT We are always going to do our best with what we have. If we are doing anything, it will always be to the best of our ability. We will take no shortcuts when it comes to being excellent in every avenue we approach
4. GENEROSITY IS OUR GOAL Generosity is more than what is required. We’re generous with our time, talents, treasures, honoring God and serving our communities and partners as God has richly given towards us.
5. SERVANT LEADERSHIP IS OUR PURSUIT If you are too big to serve then you are too small to lead. We believe the greatest leadership is in service to others. Every leader is servant first. From the parking lot to the pulpit, everyone serves. Every role is different but every role is important.